Found 10 result(s) for "can you refund"
Support > Home > Termination
Can you refund to a non-Malaysian bank account?
Unfortunately, we are only able to refund to a Malaysian bank account. But you can chat with us or call us at 1800 18 1818 if you need help.
Learn MoreSupport > Home > Termination
Can you refund to a third party account?
We will only refund to the bank account of the service owner to prevent confusion and disputes.
Learn MoreSupport > Business > Termination
Can you refund to a third party account?
We will only refund to the bank account of the service owner to prevent confusion and disputes.
Learn MoreSupport > Home > Transfer of Ownership
I've paid the foreigner deposit previously. Can I transfer it to my nominee?
No, as the deposit that you have paid will be refunded to you via bank transfer.
Learn MoreSupport > Home > Plans > No Contract Plan
What is a no contract plan?
The no contract plan is a Time Fibre Home plan that does not lock you into a 24-month contract. You can terminate anytime with no penalties but you wi...
Learn MoreSupport > Home > Subscription > Signup
What fees do I need to pay if I decide to subscribe?
Deposit(s)/One-time charge RM500 deposit for non-Malaysians Fully refundable upon service cancellation, provided there is no outstanding balance...
Learn MoreSupport > Business > Termination
How will I receive the refund if I don’t have a Malaysian bank account?
We can make a transfer to your overseas bank account provided the amount is above USD50 or RM250. Payment will only be in USD. If the amount is less t...
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